Must be some kind of damping field for stuff past a certain velocity, makes projectile weapons useless.
The wave of light travels with a certain very nearly constant velocity, roughly 300,000 kilometres per second.
Weaker spacecraft will accelerate up to a certain velocity, coast for a while, then decelerate to rest.
While you ride a speeding bike, the mass of your body has a certain velocity, and hence momentum.
We just assumed that certain charge carriers moved with certain velocities.
In lattice gas, the various states are particles with certain velocities.
By controlling the rotation speed of the disks, only particles with a certain known velocity could pass through and be detected.
But I have to get them down to a certain relative velocity to get them into the system.
But I have to get them down below a certain velocity or they'll fall right through the system.
Others whistle when they reach a certain velocity in flight.