But legislative analysts say that opponents did not have the two-thirds support in either chamber needed to override an almost certain Presidential veto.
A certain Presidential veto of the Democratic bill made the current round of tax legislation "a dry run," he added.
But the 262-to-155 vote fell short of the two-thirds margin needed to override a virtually certain Presidential veto.
House and Senate conferees have already agreed to include the plant-closing provision in the bill, inviting an almost certain veto.
Even with Senate passage, the measures face a certain Presidential veto.
Second, for all its political pain, the vote would have little more than symbolic importance because of an almost certain veto by President Reagan.
It was only after Mr. Clinton's certain veto that the two sides were expected to get down to serious negotiations.
"We're not going to have a light-cavalry charge in the face of a certain veto," Senator Mitchell said.
And majorities will not be nearly large enough to overcome Mr. Bush's certain veto.
Both measures would face a certain American veto.