"There's a certain vitality to living in a close-knit community during good times, as well as comfort through the hard times."
No longer do you rely on the moment; and you lose a certain vitality of the moment.
And it does show a certain vitality in the classical music world.
The robot turned to Julius Enderby, who was watching them with a flaccid face into which a certain vitality was only now beginning to return.
However, political infighting, rebellions, and unrest are all signs of a certain vitality too.
As drawings or paintings, these works have a certain graphic vitality, but they are otherwise barely worth a glance.
The performer also adds a certain vitality to the piece since a purely electroacoustic piece is never truly performed.
They do not believe in helmets, so the gray beneath their baseball caps signaled to others a certain mature vitality.
Presented as leftovers or traces of human behaviour, these items, released from their commonplace duty possess a certain vitality and ambition within the work.
Once, our self-obsession had a certain vitality and could be mistaken for useful energy.