In the early 1970's, he overhauled the merchandising and image of Macy's California, to have the chain cater to a more affluent and stylish clientele.
The chain caters to budget business travelers, mainly in suburban areas.
The Goldblatt's acquisition of Wasson's was not successful as the two chains did not cater to the same market segments.
The chain caters to over 35 million consumers.
The chain caters to traveling workers and guests in transition between homes or apartments.
The chain caters to the growing Latino population of California and sells items usually not found in more Anglo-oriented American supermarkets.
Its chain of medical centers cater to Hispanic patients in the Miami area, and would like to expand to other metropolitan areas where there are large concentrations of Hispanic patients.
The 256-store operation retains the three separate identities, and each chain caters to parents with household income above $65,000.
But Ms. Radmin, whose 23-store chain caters to large customers, reports that Mr. de la Renta has changed his mind.
The chain caters to Hispanic Americans.