"We may end up with a chain drugstore," he said, "but we'll try to avoid it if we can."
The site will carry 15,000 items, three times the stock of the average chain drugstore.
There are, though, some chain drugstores and supermarkets nearby.
At a chain drugstore in Dallas, the same supply would cost $68.57.
It's about the size of a chain drugstore.
Performance at chain drugstores reflects the attitudes of lower- and middle-income consumers, he explained; they are typically the first to cut their spending.
It was the only supermarket in a town that already had a chain drugstore.
Big chain drugstores have been practically tripping over one another as they rush to move into Manhattan neighborhoods.
Chief in its battle will be stopping the demolition of historic structures by chain drugstores.
On one of his prior visits he'd no- ticed a chain drugstore two blocks from the hospital.