The fast-casual chain saw a positive increase in overall growth for the brand and ended with a record year.
Earlier this year the chain ended its last across-the-board 10 percent discount on all hard-cover books.
The chain ran the other direction, away from the window, and ended, Davy saw, just down the hall.
This chain of energy transferring from one species to another can continue several more times, but eventually ends.
The chain of chaotic events against Harry and Joe end them up in a water tank.
The big retail chains just ended their worst month in years.
Finally, there is no guarantee that the chain of abductions would end with the one committed by you.
The chain ended in a manacle that circled his left wrist.
Combination: two chain ends simply couple together to form one long chain (Figure 14).
The chain of infection, of course, does not end there.