A chain-link cage surrounds the prisoners, jammed together in bunk beds with just enough space to stand between them.
Like all Home Depots, it will have a large outdoor garden department in a tall chain-link cage.
It does not usually evoke chain-link cages, spotlights, rabid fans and a deafening announcer shouting things like "Step away from the glue gun!"
They live in 8-by-8-foot chain-link cages with roofs made of wood rafters and corrugated metal tops.
Promoters built an octagonal chain-link cage, invited eight top martial artists, and set them loose in no-holds-barred, bare-knuckles fights.
At worst, Ms. Sternberg says, these dogs are confined in chain-link concrete-floored cages, where they leap, chew the fence, spin compulsively and gradually go crazy.
Later, they said, they and other prisoners were moved to the ground floor where they were held in large chain-link cages and barred from conversing.
In a chain-link cage reminiscent of Comedy Central's "Battlebots," tonight's first challenge pits two craft enthusiasts in a competition to create brooches out of candy.
After all, she didn't live in a chain-link cage with a concrete floor.
Along a neighboring wall, a long row of twenty chain-link cages stretched.