Tyson was a passenger in a car driven by his wife, Monica, in Gaithersburg, Md., on Monday that was involved in a three-car chain-reaction accident.
The authorities said 17 people had been killed and as many as 150 injured in one of the worst chain-reaction accidents in the nation's history.
The 49-year-old Cordero, who broke his left arm and three ribs, was the most seriously injured of four jockeys in a chain-reaction accident in the second-race at Aqueduct Sunday.
Erna was quite shaken up from the three-car chain-reaction accident in Methuen, Massachusetts he was involved in when his vehicle and two others collided at an intersection.
Forty-eight people were injured during the morning rush hour yesterday in a chain-reaction accident in the Lincoln Tunnel involving three commuter buses.
But there was fear that "The Big One," a chain-reaction accident, could upset the plan, as well as spread damage and death.
Motorist Mercuria J. S. Colomb (born 1978) of St. Rose in St. Charles Parish allegedly started the chain-reaction accident.
On the first lap, he and fellow front-row starter Ed Elisian raced into turn 3 and started a chain-reaction accident which involved 15 cars and cost the life of Pat O'Connor.
A chain-reaction accident involving eight cars unfolded behind them.
Twenty-seven vehicles piled up in a chain-reaction accident on the rain-soaked Whitestone Expressway in Queens early yesterday, but only minor injuries were reported, the police said.