Their chairmen are continually meeting with uncertain Democrats, trying to find packages that could command a majority.
The chairmen of both companies met for several hours yesterday but no agreement was announced.
The two chairmen now met on extirmely easy and friendly terms since they no longer had any reason to see themselves as rivals.
The chairman of the Women's Advisory Committee had met her match when she was introduced to the member's wife.
As he had not bowed to their threats, this visionary chairman met his demise.
The recommendations are subject to change when chairmen of the various groups meet Monday in Washington to begin drafting their final reports.
The chairman has met with a number of foreign steel producers for exploratory talks, but no bids have yet materialized.
G.M.'s chairman met with pension fund managers and advised them the auto maker is recovering after a bad year, according to participants at the session.
On Jan. 13 its chairman, Rick Jones, met with church officers.
"We do not yet have an official reply, but the chairman and his team are meeting right now to review the statement," the Damon spokeswoman said.