"I am going to be very careful here," said Peter Schneider, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"We got lucky," said Joe Roth, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"It was the best thing that could have happened to us," said Mr. Cook, the chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
Joe Roth, the chairman of Walt Disney Studios, put it more gently.
"The biggest challenge is the financial one, getting a return on your investment," said Richard Cook, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"They don't work," Joe Roth, the chairman of Walt Disney Studios, points out.
Joe Roth, chairman of Walt Disney Studios, agreed to a $10 million budget for the film and then left the filmmakers alone.
"It's expensive," explained Richard Cook, the chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
The movie was produced by Joe Roth, who would later become chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"It's very difficult to speculate about the future," said Peter Schneider, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.