'Renton's very definitely a man I can do business with' Peter Palumbo, chairman of the Arts Council was reported to have said, after a preliminary meeting.
Lord Gowrie, the chairman of the Arts Council, called the situation a shambles.
His social work also undertaken; became chairman of the Hungarian Fine Arts Society, following Arnold Ipolyi in that position.
J. Carter Brown, chairman of the Fine Arts Commission, presented another viewpoint.
Occasionally the advice sought was within my specialised knowledge as the chairman of the Arts Council.
He was always very amenable to me when, as chairman of the Arts Council, I too was in need of some special support.
"There's going to be a balancing of interests," said Philip Howard, chairman of the Municipal Arts Society.
Tory-supporting modernist, and chairman of the Arts Council.
The session began with J. Carter Brown, chairman of the Fine Arts Commission, foreshadowing the decision.
"Excuse me," said the chairman of the Arts Council.