In 1904 the Department's Lighthouse Board was given a broader mission, and its dynamic chairman Colonel William P. Anderson planned an ambitious construction program.
Still, TRW's chairman, Philip A. Odeen, does not plan to make it that easy.
It is another to put at risk a control position," when the chairman plans to turn it over to his sons.
German newspapers reported that the chairman, Warner Seifert, planned to ask for more financial flexibility to improve the original $2.6 billion bid for the London exchange.
Lloyd's current chairman, Sax Riley, is planning to retire at the end of the year.
NCR's chairman plans an early retirement.
Mr. Weill and Lucent's chairman, Richard McGinn, who are close friends, plan a meeting to encourage other donors to step forward.
Also, the association's chairman, Jim Smith, plans to discuss the issue with the full convention on April 3.
Hartz Group's chairman plans to give more than $25 million to New York University to strengthen its schools of business.
The current chairman and chief executive, Robert J. Day, plans to retire next May.