Come on Friday and Saturday when she does hamin, the Jewish stew, accompanied by challah bread.
Led by Rabbi Sirkman, the congregants said the blessing over the candles and sang in Hebrew over the challah bread.
Others would bring in a photograph of challah bread, which an artist reproduced.
Typically, round challah bread is served, to symbolize the cycle of the year.
From the competing delightful odors of fish, chicken, beef, assorted sauces and soups, and fresh challah bread, she had made enough to feed all of Starfleet.
Among them is a hearty frikadellen, or vibrantly seasoned ground beef sandwich on pan-toasted challah bread ($9).
It was served to children on challah bread as a treat.
Children learned to make traditional braided challah bread and how to celebrate the Jewish holidays.
A Map Fresh, vegetarian, homemade Kosher fare, including six types of soup on offer daily with a big knot of challah bread.
It's a fantasy of two children in a bare room amazed by the miraculous appearance of a lighted menorah, challah bread and other celebratory items.