This characterization directly challenged the other defendants' painstaking efforts to show that the 81-second videotape, though not pretty, showed proper police procedure.
Perversely, the attack on the university does not challenge its efforts to achieve these objectives.
A global decline in the valuation of insurance businesses, and the weakening financial condition of potential bidders, challenged its efforts.
The university is now challenging the foundation's efforts to change its charter and reduce Lincoln's role.
More important, she challenges philosophy's efforts to remain "religion neutral" in its language and concepts rather than draw on the resources of religious traditions.
Southside Charter, which has 261 students, did not even challenge the state's efforts to close it.
So far, they have been unsuccessful in challenging the impeachment panel's efforts to keep much of its evidence secret.
But at the same time, Slovenia joined other republics in challenging the federal government's efforts to restrict their economic autonomy.
She was enthroned 15 months ago after challenging and overcoming her own family's efforts to keep the chiefdom a patriarchy.
Schulman, based in White Plains, had successfully challenged the city's efforts to reduce the scale of the project.