With today's 4-to-2 decision, the court left the city little room to challenge the secession process until its conclusion, which is not expected for several years.
Today, it is difficult to understand why slavery was accepted from prebiblical times in virtually every culture and not seriously challenged until the late 1700's.
This authority was not seriously challenged until the 18th century.
Spence faced another tough campaign in 1988, but no other Democrat challenged him until 1998.
No one volunteered to challenge him until 1823, when he fought Bill Neat.
Whatever the outcome, no man shall challenge another man in arms, for any reason soever, until we who are met here again separate.
His successors in the south would not be able to challenge the north again to this extent until some 150 years later.
None, however, proved compelling enough to seriously challenge the established order until the arrival of foreign powers.
Congress's war powers were rarely seriously challenged until this century.
"He took the lead and held it, and nobody challenged him until late in the race."