A highly structured talk on what was probably the most challenging topic in this year's list.
It will mean that, for the first time, teachers will be allowed to cover truly innovative, specialist and challenging topics.
Rights and privacy issues over human enhancement technology has given rise to challenging topics within technoself studies.
A challenge though to go along with this challenging topic.
In computer science, this will allow teachers to cover "innovative, specialist and challenging" topics.
He has worked closely with us in our committee on a very difficult dossier and very challenging topics.
She has explored such complex issues as racism, terminal illness, murder, and the Holocaust among other challenging topics.
Immune system is very complex system of the human body and one of the most challenging topics in biology.
Prose's chapters focus on potentially challenging topics: dialogue, narration, even where to take paragraph breaks.
Mr. Reed said he thought that quantum measurement was the most challenging topic and one where the least amount of research had done.