A chance observation by a visiting relative that my mother was "being given a lot of pills" started my thinking.
Twice more during that seemingly endless night, groups of raiders hurried by in the same direction, while Jason concealed himself against chance observation.
Joan's chance observation stirred a curious recollection that was to produce immediate results.
It reported work done in the previous year, arising, like Fleming's earlier discovery of lysozyme, from a chance observation.
It's the randomness of travel that I love: the chance encounter; the chance observation.
As much as possible all ship movements had been kept secret-other than the few chance observations that could be expected.
In 1987, she made the chance observation that moving her eyes from side to side appeared to reduce the disturbance of negative thoughts and memories.
The chance observations occurred over the last 13 years.
I first suspected it from some chance observations in '57, but didn't really take them seriously for a couple of years.
Bendra described his chance observation of the object's strange behavior.