Whether they eliminated their own egos and emotions through chance procedures is debatable.
Movement phrases and steps put together through chance procedures also precluded any hint of narrative, in his view.
Or did Mr. Young go all out and stitch four disparate works together by chance procedures?
The last movement of the concerto was a step towards using chance procedures, which Cage adopted soon afterwards.
He used chance procedures, but made sure his instincts and his artistic sensibility shaped the final results.
This sort of sudden near-miracle presently is made more likely by chance procedures.
It combines chance procedures, plotted perspective studies, and laborious craftsmanship.
Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) introduced chance procedures and composition by field.
The choreography, too, while ordered at key moments by chance procedures, has a wonderfully aquatic and somehow deeply human quality.
He has used chance procedures to rid himself of his own clichés.