Sustained rate considers several factors, time spent reloading, aiming, changing barrels if necessary, and allowing for some cooling.
But just in case, Junior would change barrels on both revolvers when he got home.
On later levels, some enemies change red barrels back to white when jumping on them.
To change barrels, the release catch in front of the magazine was rotated to unlock the barrel.
Bond Arms constructs their Derringers in such a way that a user can change barrels and switch from one caliber to another.
He took a zing on the face, and he burned his hands changing machine-gun barrels.
"Has to change barrels," Glasser said when he saw Weaver flinch.
By using a specially designed disposable follower plate the problem of waste when changing barrels and of crumbs has been solved.
There is no need to check the headspace when changing barrels.
"We'll have to change barrels before we can give you any more."