The group had begun to change their writing style and so books 9-14, published from 1996-2002, contain long articles that are spread out throughout the book, and use a more encyclopedic writing style.
He expects them to use that sensibility to change books, movies, magazines, newspapers and art.
Electronic ink promises to be an amazing, breakthrough technology that we will all be using in five years - it will completely change books and newspapers.
On August 25, 1885, Dexter filed a patent for an automatic folding machine that changed the way newspapers, books, and magazines were folded and assembled.
The cha-cha ended sooner than was generally expected, and by the time Joe took Rosemary's hand and Andy stood up and took Judy's, the musicians had changed books and some of their instruments, and the bandleader was cuing them into an Irving Berlin medley.
Central fairs in Nördlingen, Frankfurt and Leipzig offered publishers from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the course of the 16th century the option to change books they had published and thus to widen the scope of titles they could sell in their respective shops at home.
You change books into identikit text files requiring a special service-provider key to read and you can say goodbye to advert free consumption.
But it is sinking into popular consciousness, thanks to college courses on Afro-American literature, changing women's roles or just plain great books, and there is something renewing about hearing how students are so taken by Hurston's work that they are passing it on to their parents.
Other "changed the world" books suggest that for want of the Nasdaq, the color mauve or the Fender bass, civilization as we know it would be lost, or at least remarkably different.
An iPad or a color Nook or anything that runs other apps offers the potential to change books into something else.