This change complicates the outside world's struggle to rescue the war's other victim, the principles of international conduct.
The remarkable changes in the longevity and life styles of older people in the last several decades have complicated the task.
But such a major change would only complicate negotiations, he added.
Airlines are unhappy because the change complicates trips across the Atlantic.
First, rapid societal changes have complicated parents' task, making child rearing more challenging than in previous generations.
However, changes in fishing practices and data collection methods complicate estimates.
This change complicates a basic strategy used by many parents and grandparents who put money into older children's accounts to save for college.
Now the change of administrations in Trenton is complicating the negotiations.
But more than a change of personalities was complicating the American assessment of the relationship with the British at this time.
Both the tax cut and the change of power could complicate passage of spending bills this summer, because there is now less revenue available.