It later changed its name to the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In 1975, it would change its name to the Republic of Benin.
In 1997 the country changed name to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
On 15 December 1990, the Supreme Soviet voted to change the republic's name to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
The name of the country was officially changed to the Republic of Benin on March 1, 1990, once the newly formed country's constitution was complete.
The name was later changed to the Republic of Manitobah, after a local lake.
Afterwards, Kabila named himself the new president and changed the name of the country to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In 1987 the countries official name was changed to the Republic of Afghanistan after the National Reconciliation talks.
With the support of the Communist Party, the country's name was changed to the Republic of Belarus on 25 August 1991.
Kabila then announced that the name of the country was being changed from Zaire to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.