Depending on the level of acceptance of rejection of certain traditions, the interpretation of the Koran can be changed immensely, from the Qur'anists and Ahmadiyya who reject the ahadith, to the Salafi, or ahl al-hadith, who hold the entirety of the traditional collections in great reverence.
"Since 1991, technology has changed immensely," said Michael Marr, a spokesman for the Pataki administration.
Since Skipper was introduced, she has changed immensely.
Since then the structure of occupation has changed immensely.
Since 1997, the landscape of Dublin has changed immensely.
Westchester has changed immensely.
(2)Build alliances with web portals as MSN Due to the immensely changed idea about consumers,taobao seized the opportunity to form allies.
Already, the city has changed immensely.
And my level of tolerance and acceptance has changed immensely and I'm a completely different person.
During the past 100 years, cars have changed immensely.