'If sitcom dies, it'll be because of the changed nature of television,' he asserts.
In season 2, viewers are introduced to the changed nature of politics in Belize.
The big difference between the new economy and the old is the changed nature of investment.
One consequence of the changed nature of investment is a strong tendency for markets to develop into temporary monopolies.
I'd influenced him before, but only to protect the secret of my changed nature.
As 2 SG grappled with the changed nature of the campaign the group saw its last successes.
Less certain was whether the measures themselves fitted the changed nature and mood of post-war British society.
The changed nature of the conflict has psychological consequences, too, for the army and the Israeli public.
My changed nature had provided me with an all-too-easy route to seduction.
But the rise in gangs and the problems they cause illustrates the changed nature of the classroom in Denver.