But that money was channeled directly to needy individuals and private charities, deliberately bypassing the Authority.
But the education ministry's own budget is still close to nothing, and Karzai is hoping for more funds channeled directly to the government.
Instead, they are channeled directly to the continental shelf.
Since then, little Federal money has been channeled directly to organizations working within minority communities.
But aides to Mr. Bennett said such large sums would not be channeled directly to the city.
Republican officials said donations to the party that were not channeled directly to campaigns accounted for about 20 percent of their total receipts last year.
The organization is designed such that 100% of all donations are channeled directly to the earmarked project or relief effort.
These funds were not subject to Federal contribution limits because they were not channeled directly to individual campaigns.
Being an empath allows Phoebe to directly channel the emotions of those around her.
For one, money donated is channeled directly to pay for an organization's dedicated cleanup or protective efforts.