The main channel flowed under the city, but many channels went around.
Finally, the channel flowed into a lake, and here the Beast dove.
That channel only a dry stream bed now, but during a heavy rain it over flowed.
The channel, off Blind River, was flowing the way it always has.
Each landowner has a slot allocated during the week where they get a few minutes to an hour of the channel flowing into their property.
As the river reaches the coast it diverges into two channels; with the main channel flowing to the south of the island.
The channel flows in both directions, from the lake to the sea and vice-versa during the rising tide.
Sixty channels of data flowed from monitoring equipment on board through cables to remote computers.
Then the guide cut the motor and eased into a narrow channel flowing into the jungle.
The lower channel flows past a building marked "Wheel House (pumping station)" in 1898.