It was the landlady of the pub, Hannah Seller, who the channel is named after.
On 4 February 1996, the channel was named Kanal 5.
The channel was named Showtime and started broadcasting at 18:00 hrs.
The channel was named Silver and replaces Showtime in May 2006.
Additional channels were eventually added to the south of 14th Ave S and are named alphabetically for local water birds.
The first channel was named TV1 and the two channels were supposed to broadcast in "stimulating competition" within the same company.
One channel is named Underground Garage, which has the same philosophy and musical mandate as his own radio show.
Prior to 7 September 1997 this channel was named The Movie Network.
The channel is named after their mother Vissalakshmi.
The channel is named after Charles Messier, who was a French astronomer.