A year ago, the channel had planned to charge $200 to $750.
As part of its rethinking of news coverage, the channel is planning more news-magazine-style programming on current events.
Starting at 5 P.M., the channel plans to broadcast hourlong shows with the main anchors.
In addition to full-length feature movies, the channel plans to offer documentaries, short subjects, animated films and programs about film makers and the movie-making process.
There are also plans to repeat the Cm-248 reaction at different projectile energies in order to probe the 2n channel, leading to the new isotope Lv.
Today, however, the channel was still planning to broadcast the footage of Parr's outburst in its daily Big Brother catch-up show tonight.
The channel previously planned to cancel the show following a public outcry but later decided to air the first six episodes to gauge the reaction of the viewers.
But speculation of the time was that the channel planned to settle down in Gothenburg instead of the capital, Stockholm.
The channel plans to show over 200 hours of original programming this year.
The channel plans to repeat the first two seasons with additional footage as well.