When he was finished speaking, the lights were turned off and the men loudly chanted prayers for more than an hour.
And, instantly, we were all grinning up at our teacher and chanting loudly: "Tell us!
The rest followed suit, each strike emphasized by a loudly chanted word.
He threw himself to his knees, oblivious to the pooling blood, took the boy's hand, and began chanting loudly.
Pick 9: Respect to the Chicago fans chanting loudly as their management ponders.
During one game which was attended by 11,000 fans, the fans loudly chanted her name.
They chanted loudly through the meeting, stopping only when the student trustee spoke.
His fingers clawed grotesquely as he began to chant loudly, nothing the American could comprehend.
Ten feet from shore, one of the priests stood in the boat and began to chant loudly.
They will often push, drag and hold engines back while chanting loudly.