The problem ebbed during announced crackdowns, but chaos quickly descended again.
In the Savage Continent of Campannlat, chaos descends with the cold.
It hit a utility pole, and chaos descended, with many of the 20 or so passengers screaming and jumping from their seats.
However, Allie and Jake are killed in short order, and as their bodies are discovered, chaos descends on the surviving friends.
Back in Rome, chaos descends as a wave of mass suicides, murder, and violence engulfs the city.
The Time of Enlightenment ended when Kobold grew old, and chaos descended once more.
She then becomes hysterical, and the chaos that Oliveira had been fearing for the last few hours finally descends on the flat.
Whichever way one defines the position of President Arafat, it seems to me that, without him, chaos would descend on the Palestinian Regions.
After twenty-four rounds, both fighters fell and chaos descended on the crowd.
Swords rang, men screamed and fell and chaos descended for long hours.