It was the second car-bomb attack in this violent and chaotic city in less than a month.
The city's central hospital was swamped by the tsunami, leaving a military hospital to function alone in the chaotic city.
And New York is such a chaotic city to live in even without this.
India's capital is an exciting, busy, and often chaotic city but certainly one of the most interesting.
Hailing a taxi in this chaotic city can be a gamble in the best of times.
The violence seemed closely connected to the political tensions in Kinshasa, a run-down and chaotic city.
Running the nation's most chaotic city, in his opinion, would not be so much different.
The mortician shrugged, as if one more death in a chaotic city of fifteen million souls hardly mattered.
Many people are buying holiday homes here to escape large chaotic cities.
Then a mother, poor and with two children, who can not rely on anyone but herself in a chaotic city.