I know you chaps keep denying it, but it seems to me it must be the IRA.
A chap can't keep the world waiting for ever.
I talked to some contacts from MI6 who found out that Shafer and this one chap regularly keep in touch on the computer.
Hence why Sheffield DJ and all-round splendid chap Toddla T couldn't keep his eyes of them while talking to Rosie Swash earlier.
I mean, when a chap keeps on saying that life isn't worth living you take it that he's just stating the obvious.
It was intended to be a low-cost model that "a chap could keep in his bike shed", yet be the successor to the sporting versions of the pre-war Austin Seven.
I've often wondered how chaps with 50 caps could keep themselves going for so many international commitments.
That's what the poor chap kept babbling.
One old chap kept an enormously powerful ancient car simply for the purpose of getting him home; even if he engaged top gear by mistake when he collapsed into the driver's seat the vehicle would still take off.
You chaps keep silent now, no matter what I say.