Computer and Video Games, however, considered the swearing a negative, but still felt the character was appealing.
The characters appeal to both genders because they are two boys and two girls.
The break-in may never take place, but the characters are appealing, and the writing is spirited enough to carry the sitcom at least for a while.
The situation is standard ensemble, rigorously eccentric, but the characters are appealing and the comedy can actually be funny.
Yet his freedom-loving character appealed to the spirit of Romanticism.
Locally developed characters appeal to preschoolers and engage them with humor relevant to Jordanian culture.
They make sure their characters appeal to their audience, which in the world ol big network television means the more middle-class white people the better.
Although these characters are appealing, they just don't have much to do.
"I'm at an age in my early 40's where more powerful and mature characters are appealing to me," she said.
It goes with a modern type j-pop theme, and the characters appeal more 3-dimensional.