Any action a character may attempt is rated based on difficulty.
Through these fights, the characters attempt to regain control of what they see as their increasingly emasculated lives.
Both characters attempt to erase each other from their memories, due to a failed relationship.
At times, the characters attempt solving, or are involved in, a mystery.
He has a series of books where the character attempts a shot in soccer or basketball for $1 million prize.
When characters have attempted to leave something prevents them; their cars break down and they get into some sort of danger.
While playing the game characters will attempt certain feats (like climbing a wall).
The character can also attempt to obtain the best possible item per equipment slot available to that specific level.
The character may attempt this solo, in groups, or with the help from high level characters.
By pressing an attack button after being thrown the character could attempt to land on his or her feet and take less damage.