The player's character appears in a school known as the Duel Academy, and must battle his way to the top rank.
During single player mode, the player's character must battle through 10 levels, encountering various foes such as pirates, redcoats and harbour masters.
Each book involves the main character(s) battling supernatural forces of evil.
The character has battled a drug problem during his teenage years, and has since strived to overcome his alcohol addiction.
Each character is battling for nothing more than self-preservation and the hope of being reborn.
The main characters battle the overtakers to find their hidden friend, Wayne Kresky.
The character along with his Bucky would battle communism throughout the 1950s.
These two characters battled throughout Mr. Dole's speech.
In his first appearance the character battled a huge dragon from the past called a Wani, a monster that destroyed his ancestors' villages in 1582.
Person vs. Supernatural is when a character is battling supernatural forces.