The character claims to dislike puppets, and says his most prized possession is his "brush", this being the traditional name for a fox's tail.
However, the character claims to come from Gelderland, which was not in Austria but rather in what is now Netherlands.
The title character, a homeless man, "claims that he wrote the Blue Suede Shoes".
The reasoning is immoral, but the characters claim special privileges above and beyond common morality.
His character also claimed to have invented the concept of removing clips from the movies and inserting commercials.
One character claimed that the dog could smell wealth from twenty feet away.
Whitelaw's character claimed to have a psychological block that prevented her sleeping with any soldier below the rank of major.
The fact that her character claims to have "healing hands" and is drawn to madonna-and-child pictures lends her role a note of pathos.
In these dialogues, a character named Critias claims that an island called Atlantis was swallowed by the sea about 9,200 years previously.
The character, a writer of radio soap operas, claims that it "clears the synapses."