His principal characters and even the bit players converse by exchanging the sentiments of food critics.
The girls in such games are animated characters that have only a limited ability to converse.
Even as characters converse, the opportunity for movement is there (and it doesn't have to be physical movement, either).
Various characters conversed and moved in and out of the frame as the camera wove around them.
He made his characters converse without ever uttering a word.
The characters don't converse much, and the actors, all of whom are enthusiastic, seem hungry for more engagement with one another.
Also, the files he used did not show which character was speaking, which was a problem when multiple characters conversed.
Book five: The characters converse about the qualities of the ideal citizen in government.
When characters converse, they face the camera, usually talking over each other's shoulders.
Sometimes characters with a connection to each other will converse with each other before a clash actually begins, or after it concludes.