An expression is context-insensitive if and only if its character defines a constant function.
This character defines the transmitter identity and its associated coverage area.
These two characters define the serial number of each B message type (class).
The performance as a whole was marked by superlative individual performances, especially in the solos in which the characters introduce and define themselves.
More often than not, the Mind's character defines the ship's purpose.
Defining a character defines a symplectic form on the -1 graded piece by:
But it's the force against which the most compelling female characters struggle, and the opposition that defines them.
"A very dangerous character, I should define him."
The character of a city defines the character of its subway system.
But the half-dozen main characters haven't defined themselves yet, and there's only a glimmer of hope that "Bull" will be given time for that to happen.