Because the narrative covers so much time in a relatively small space, no single character dominates it.
Still, as much as the character of Hickey dominates the stage, the production hinges on two assumptions.
The song is highly misogynistic; the male character dominates Lucy and continues his sexually promiscuous lifestyle despite his relationship with her.
Both the character and the actor dominate the play.
Far more than in "Voyage," a single character dominates "Shipwreck."
The characters he plays dominate the stage in both works, and those characters are worlds and centuries apart from one another.
Interestingly, she removed Poirot from several of the stories she made into plays because she felt the character was too dominating for the stage.
Because the two characters dominate the first act, one has to keep searching for the play behind the histrionics.
John McCain's personal character has dominated the image and perception of him.
Act IV, which her character dominates, is powerful.