Ulfheim has a bottle of champagne atop the mountain, and all four characters drink a toast to freedom.
At the end of the bar, a bizarre character was drinking mint juleps.
For example, a character could be drinking a certain kind of soda, going to a particular chain restaurant, or driving a certain make of car.
Cheever struggled with alcoholism himself, and the character of the father indeed drinks gin.
When a character drinks a potion it either increases or decreases a specific stat.
On the right, there are a few small tables where colourful local characters drink coffee or down shots of rakia.
In any proposed movie or television scripts, the characters cannot smoke or drink.
It is ostensibly a love story, but this film is really about what its characters like to drink.
This only worked to a minor degree, and the more the character drank, the less coordinated they became.