Also used sometimes when other characters eat.
The characters eat here whenever a special occasion merits it, and sometimes even get a job as a waiter or chef.
Other features of the building include a second floor where the characters eat their meals and sleep.
The character must also eat periodically to avoid starvation.
In the music video, the characters of New Kids are eating baozis.
He describes Jason as being leaner in this film, given the rationale that the character does not eat much.
The author always included details of what her characters were eating and I remember liking that.
The character typically ate with his bare hands, while usually refusing to use silverware.
Ichikawa had heard that Curtis was very thin, so he decided to use him, as the characters in the story have eaten very little.
"I can't not write ethnically, because my characters don't eat pork and they do use incense."