A good detective-story writer had to be a good travelogue writer, or else his characters and action were just hanging in space.
Within the suburb, there are many businesses and shops where the characters work, live and hang around in.
The movie boasted a particularly disturbing scene, in which a character willingly and joyfully hangs herself at a birthday party attended by young children.
These characters hang around the corners of the entire Steely Dan discography, but they come into their own on Countdown to Ecstasy".
In the center, the Chinese characters for "purity" and "righteousness" hung over an elaborately decorated throne.
Ahead of them, Drew saw a bright yellow room full of bookshelves and beanbag chairs, with soft-sculpture characters from children's books hanging from the ceiling.
Some rough characters hung around the streets these days.
Up to this point, the novel seems to be a winning satire, full of subtle, swift barbs as Bajwa lets her characters hang themselves in their own chatter.
Tough-looking characters hung around the sidewalk in front.
On The John Larroquette Show, Larroquette's character hung a carnival sign in his office during the first episode: "This is a Dark Ride."