Joyce later abridged and modified the poem for inclusion in the opening chapter of Ulysses, where it is sung by Mulligan, a character largely modeled on Gogarty.
This process creates a character modeled on the performance of an actor or actress, allowing for on-camera performances including interaction with the other cast members.
The character modeled on Lucia Chase, Ballet Theater's longtime patron and director, is no cultural superstar like Diaghilev, but the film captures her steely resolve.
The one fiery thing about it is Judy Davis's performance, as a character modeled on Frieda Lawrence, the author's wife.
Even the most insignificant performers in the ballet have been given characters modeled after actual people discovered through historical research.
Balzac wrote several novels and plays that contained characters modeled after Vidocq.
One character, for example, has modeled herself conscientiously after Marlene Dietrich.
It features a character modeled on Parker, who was introduced in The Hunter.
Yacef played a character modeled on his own experiences in the battle.
Playing a character modeled on Ms. Alexander, Jane Curtin would begin the segment with a stream of impassioned statements.