Often the character sequences are staggered around the drum, shifting with each column.
Conversion to an external character sequence must be such that conversion back using round to even will recover the original number.
This was possible as printer manuals of the day included a full list of supported control character sequences for such functionality.
Strings are any character sequence between double-quotes (), including newlines.
While reading the script, the character sequence "Dwigt" appears.
Provides reading and writing functionality to/from certain types of character sequences, such as external files or strings.
To work around the indexing phase limitations, any character sequence my be (full text) searched at the cost of an extensive source files traversal.
I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers: :-) Read it sideways.
In most languages, some character sequences have the lexical form of an identifier but are known as keywords.
Special character sequences that can be embedded in constant strings: