The printer had some graphical capabilities, as you could design your own character shapes, or even turn on or off individual pixels.
These have character shapes cut into them, so the result is a cast slug with the character shapes of the line on its front face.
The basic particles are ink particles, and they form character shapes, that is, objects.
A font is a set of character shapes, or glyphs.
Based on an identical character shape, class-specific features such as serifs are added.
Internally each character shape was defined on a 5x9 pixel grid.
Segments are then matched against a database of character shapes to produce a lattice of the likely characters.
This is unlike alphabetic notation, where the correspondence between character shape and articulator position is arbitrary.
The strokes are often simplified character shapes, making them easier for the device to recognize.
Optical size allows the character shape to be modified based on how large it will appear to the reader.