These nomadic characteristics influenced in large measure the few small towns which grew up in the Peninsula along the caravan routes.
Particular characteristics of the land, local market and local agricultural norms influence the tools to be deployed in each case.
Other characteristics also influence the value and appearance of a gem diamond.
There have been mixed findings on the nature of the links and on the extent to which pre-existing personal characteristics influence the links.
It is aimed at girls in Grade 7 that show characteristics of leadership, courage, determination and the ability to influence their community positively.
Every individual is different; individual characteristics influence behaviour in complex and significant ways.
All these characteristics will influence how (or whether) a listener can accurately tell what direction a sound is coming from.
The characteristics of the tube and the circuit directly influence the nature of the sound produced.
Many characteristics of Japanese art influenced these artists.
However, with the passing of times, many local unique social and cultural characteristics have influenced the working of the local governments in Malaysia.