Almond, jasmine, roses, honey, black fruit and condiments are characteristic notes.
Gyer said, his voice taking on a characteristic note of self-regard.
The pair "conducted a literary salon, of which the characteristic notes were intellectual interest and Irish warm-heartedness".
As one of these packets contained characteristic notes from the party, we will rob an imaginary mail, and read them.
Now and then she received a note from the Emperor - a characteristic note of triumph - never of fear or complaint.
It derives its name from the characteristic "blue notes" of jazz and the blues.
Then came a characteristic note of banter: "who ever believed that General de Gaulle.should content himself with opening flower shows?"
On writing this to Mr. Darwin, I received the following characteristic note.
The characteristic notes of Grenache are berry fruit such as raspberries and strawberries.
If any one were to undertake to describe her surroundings, the most characteristic note in the picture would be indolence.