Mice are expected to be extremely helpful in characterizing genes and mechanisms that affect IOP or the susceptibility of the optic nerve and retina to glaucomatous damage [ 20 ] .
But fully characterized genes whose functions are known - like a gene that predisposes women to breast cancer and can be used in a diagnostic test - will continue to be patentable.
Our approach was validated by the presence of characterized genes in the appropriate cluster and by confirmation of expression patterns by direct analysis.
These include 30 previously known and molecularly characterized protein-coding genes (see Supplementary Table 1 in the additional data file).
Later, he worked on characterizing adenoviral genes and proteins, allowing other scientists to use the viral agents to implant healthy genes in people with cystic fibrosis and other inherited diseases.
These are the first characterised genes involved in apomixis, a method of making seed without the father.
Essentially all of the top seven characterized genes associated with this cluster function in methionine biosynthesis and showed similar expression patterns in response to all of the experimental conditions (see [ 14]).
Their very existence suggests, however, that individually characterizing and understanding numerous unconventional genes will be a major challenge.
Oncogenomics is a relatively new sub-field of genomics that applies high throughput technologies to characterize genes associated with cancer.
Two well characterized genes in this leaf-blade group are for Rubisco small subunit ( rbcS ) and phosphoribulokinase, key enzymes for converting CO 2 into carbohydrate via the Calvin cycle.