To charge tickets to either program at the college, call 631-4313.
For a season brochure or to charge tickets by phone, call the box office at 698-0098.
He said, "Take the largest house in town, and charge a dollar a ticket."
We're where we wanted to be 12 years ago, charging $22 a ticket in some cities.
To charge tickets, call 808-531-2162; for information and reservations, 808-537-6191.
Despite charging $2,000 a ticket for most events, the campaign often does not serve a meal to contributors.
And you can't support younger artists if you charge $50 a ticket, because no one knows who they are.
To charge tickets by phone, the numbers are (914) 965-2700 or (212) 307-7171.
The Met sends its broadcasts to movie theaters around the country, which charge $18 a ticket.
European and American agents usually charge from $10 a ticket to 25 percent of the ticket price.