In India, it is unlawful for taxi or rickshaw drivers to charge anything above the meter.
They are not allowed to charge above a range of fees to which doctors working within the medicare system must adhere.
The bar on doctors working outside the system charging above the provincial medicare rates, mentioned above, derives from the Act.
Although we don't yet know who they all are, it's likely that most will be those currently charging average fees just above £7,500.
Doctors who participate in Medicare are allowed to charge no more than 20 percent above the rates set by Medicare for various medical services.
This is because production is costless and by charging a price just above zero it still makes a profit.
These provisions required retailers to charge a markup of at least 12 percent above the wholesale liquor prices filed with the state.
It will charge you $12 for the service; your profit is whatever you charge above that.
They are layers of high energy charged particles two thousand and twelve thousand miles above the Earth, respectively.
The law also limits how much a doctor can charge a Medicare patient above the scheduled amount.